Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Tri-Community Recycling & Sanitary Landfill
303 Murphy Road
Fort Fairfield, ME 04742
Tri-County C&D Landfill
Hwy 378
Edgefield, SC 29824
Tri-County Landfill Association
1 mi W & .75 mi S of Pukwana
Pukwana, SD 57370
Tri-County Solid Waste Authority Transfer Station
Transfer Drive off Weaver Road
Edgefield, SC 29824
Tri-K Landfill
1905 Kentucky Hwy 3249
Stanford, KY 40484
Trinidad Solid Waste Disposal Site
13543 County Road 73.3
Trinidad, CO 81082
Trinity Center Transfer Station
Highway 3 South Of Trinity Center
Trinity Center, CA 96091
Trinity Oaks Landfill
11340 CF Hawn Freeway, 0.5 mile SE of US 175 at IH 635
Mesquite, TX 75149
Trona-Argus Transfer Station
83000 1st Street, 2 miles S of Argus
Argus, CA 93562
Troup County Mountville Landfill
End of Parmer Road, Off SR 109, 1.5 W of Mountville
Lagrange, GA 30241
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