Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Tiller Transfer Station
4 mi E on on South Umpqua Rd
Tiller, OR 97484
Timberlands Landfill
22800 Hwy 41 North, 16 mi N of Brewton
Brewton, AL 36426
Tioga County Landfill
540 Old Bloss Rd
Blossburg, PA 16912
Tioga County Transfer Station & Processing Facility
540 Old Bloss Rd
Blossburg, PA 16912
Tipton County Landfill
8279 Highway 51
Brighton, TN 38011
Titusville Transfer Station
4336 South St. (SR 405)
Titusville, FL 32780
Tiverton Sanitary Landfill
3532 Main Road
Tiverton, RI 02878
Todd County Transfer Station
Hwy 71
Long Prairie, MN 56347
Tok Landfill
Milepost 120.5 on the Tok Cutoff, P.O. Box 363
Tok, AK 99780
Toland Road Sanitary Landfill
3500 North Toland Road
Santa Paula, CA 93060
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