Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Taos Municipal Landfill
24670 US Highway 64, NW of town
Taos, NM 87571
Taunton Landfill
330 East Brittania Street
Taunton, MA 02718
Taylor Recycling Facility
172 Neelytown Rd
Montgomery, NY 12549
Taylor Transfer Station
8767 Holland Road
Taylor, MI 48180
Tazewell County Landfill
Rte 649 (7mi E of Tazewell)
Tazewell, VA 24608
TEAM Transfer Station
101 Spring Hill Road
Trumbull, CT 66111
Teapot Dome Landfill
21063 Ave 128 (Teapot Dome) E of Rd 208, 5 mi SW of Porterville
Porterville, CA 93257
Tecopa Disposal Site
3 mi E Tecopa on Old Spanish Way
Tecopa, CA 92389
Ted Heaps Container Service Transfer Station
388 Jerseytown Road
Millville, PA 17846
Telfair County Landfill
98 Landfill Lane
Mc Rae, GA 31055
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