Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Stephenville Transfer Station
1291 N. Bates Rd.
Stephenville, TX 76401
Sterling County Landfill
.5 mi W Sterling City, City Limits/728 ft N of US 87
Sterling City, TX 76951
Sterling County Transfer Station
.5 mi W Sterling City, City Limits/728 ft N of US 87
Sterling City, TX 76951
Sterling Solid Waste Disposal Site & Transfer Station
Main Street
Sterling, CO 80751
Stevens County Landfill
1257 Landfill Road, 1.5 mi S off State Highway 25
Kettle Falls, WA 99141
Stevens County Landfill
0.5 mi E of 25 & 56 Jct., Box 158
Hugoton, KS 67951
Stevens County Transfer Station
23780 470th Avenue, Old Stevens County Landfill
Morris, MN 56267
Stevenson Transfer Station
1332 Ryan Allen Road
Stevenson, WA 98648
Stillwater Sanitary Landfill
1717 East Yost Road
Stillwater, OK 74075
Stone's Transfer Station
1/4 mi W Of County Road 201
Susanville, CA 96130
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