Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
SPSA Regional Landfill
1 Bob Foeller Drive, Off Route 58
Suffolk, VA 23432
SPSA Yard Waste Composting Facility
1 Bob Foeller Drive, (at the Regional Landfill)
Suffolk, VA 23434
St. Andrews Municipal Landfill
44837 St. Andrews Church Road, Rt 4 .5 mi S of inter. SR 235
California, MD 20619
St. Andrews Transfer Station
44595 St. Andrews Church Road
California, MD 20619
St. Cloud Transfer Station
670 North Highway 10
Saint Cloud, MN 56302
St. David Rural Transfer Station
1050 N. Sybil Road, 2.5 mi E of SR 80
Saint David, AZ 85630
St. Francois County Transfer Station
200 Landfill Rd.
Park Hills, MO 63601
St. James Transfer Station
35133 746th Ave
Saint James, MN 56081
St. Johnsbury Transfer Station
548 High Street
Saint Johnsbury, VT 05819
St. Joseph City Landfill
9431 50th Road SE
Saint Joseph, MO 64507
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