Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Scott County Landfill
Midway Rd.
Gate City, VA 24251
Scott County Transfer Station
Landfill Lane Rte 877
Gate City, VA 24251
Scott County Transfer Station
4689 Double or Nothing Rd., CR 150 E, 2 mi S of SR 356
Scottsburg, IN 47170
SeaBreeze Landfill
10310 FM 523
Angleton, TX 77515
Seabrook Transfer Station
70 Rocks Road
Seabrook, NH 03874
Seacoast Farms Compost Products, Inc.
Shirkin Road Exit 6 Off Route 101
Fremont, NH 03044
Seagull Sanitation Pebbly Beach Landfill
1 Dump Road
Avalon, CA 90704
SECCRA Landfill
219 Street Road
West Grove, PA 19390
Sedalia Landfill
5970 North US Hwy 85
Sedalia, CO 80135
Sedalia Transfer Station
3/8 mi NW on Douglas County Rd. 18
Sedalia, CO 80135
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