Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Loyalton Landfill
1 mi E Loyalton
Loyalton, CA 96118
Lucerne Valley (Camp Rock) Transfer Station
27805 Squaw Bush (Camp Rock Rd), 6 Miles N of Old Woman Springs Road
Lucerne Valley, CA 92356
Ludlow Transfer Station
198 Sportsman Rd.
Ludlow, MA 01056
Lumberton Township Composting
Lumberton-Hainesport Road
Lumberton, NJ 08036
Lumpkin County Transfer Station
Barlow Road
Dahlonega, GA 30533
Lunenburg County Landfill
45 Landfill Road (Rte 659)
Lunenburg, VA 23952
Lusk Landfill
28 Rd. N, PO Box 390
Lusk, WY 82225
Lyme Transfer Station
Rte 57
Three Mile Bay, NY 13693
Lyon Mountain Convenience Station
4353 Route 374
Lyon Mountain, NY 12955
MacArthur Composting Facility
1101 Railroad Ave
Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
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