Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Livingston Transfer Station
366 County Route 19
Livingston, NY 12541
Livonia Transfer Station
Glendale Ave (E of Farmington Rd), Betw Schoolcraft & Plymouth Roads
Livonia, MI 48150
Lloyd Transfer Station
Lily Lake Road
Highland, NY 12528
Lockwood Regional Landfill
2407 Canyon Road I-80 E of Sparks, 8 mi E of Sparks
Sparks, NV 89434
Logan City Green Waste Facility
1800 West 200 North
Logan, UT 84321
Logan City Landfill
1800 West 200 North
Logan, UT 84321
Logan County Landfill
Highway 25
Russell Springs, KS 67755
Logan County Landfill
24235 East Hwy 6
Sterling, CO 80751
Logan Transfer Station
Canadian River Association
Logan, NM 88426
Loma Linda Landfill
2930 Skyline View Road, ~1.8 miles NE of US 191 MP 157.5
Clifton, AZ 85533
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