Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Latah County Solid Waste Processing Facility
3299 Highway 8, (5 miles East of Moscow)
Moscow, ID 83843
Latrobe Transfer Station
969 Mission Road
Latrobe, PA 15650
Laubscher Meadows Landfill
2121 Wimberg Rd, Laubscher Rd .5mi E of St. Joseph Ave
Evansville, IN 47720
Laughlin Landfill
6000 Camel Trail Drive, Needles Highway, .5 mi South of Hwy 163
Laughlin, NV 89028
Laurel Ridge Landfill
3612 E HWY 552
Lily, KS 40740
Laurens County Landfill
1645 Old Hawkinsville & Old Macon Rd.
Dublin, GA 31021
Lawrence Township Composting
3701 Princeton Pike
Lawrence Township, NJ 08648
Lawrenceburg City / County Balefill
2126 Baylor Drive, 2 mi SSW of town off Big Springs Road
Lawrenceburg, TN 38464
Lawton Landfill
8902 SW 11th Street
Lawton, OK 73501
LCS Services Landfill
Allensville Road
Hedgesville, WV 25427
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