Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
La Luz Transfer Station
33 Gravel Pit Road, 4 mi N of Alamogordo on Hwy 70/54
La Luz, NM 88337
La Mesa Transfer Station & Materials RecoveryF
8184 Commercial Street
La Mesa, CA 91941
La Paz County Landfill
26999 Hwy 95., mile post 128, 3.5mi S of Jnct of Hwys 95 & 72
Parker, AZ 85344
La Plata Transfer Station
5 CR 1330
La Plata, NM 87418
La Porte Transfer Station
Port Wine Road off Church St, 1 mi S La Porte
La Porte, CA 95981
La Velle Transfer Station
224 LaVelle Road
Alamogordo, NM 88310
LaBarge Transfer Station
South of LaBarge
La Barge, WY 83123
Labette County Landfill
21078 US Hwy 59, 1 mi. S of Labette Co. Med. Ctr on Hwy59
Parsons, KS 67357
Lackawanna County Recycling Center
3400 Boulevard Avenue
Scranton, PA 18512
Laconia Transfer Station
385 Meredith Center Road
Laconia, NH 03247
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