Yard Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Yard Waste Disposal Locations
Hoke County Transfer Station
700 C.C. Steel Road
Raeford, NC 28376
Holdrege Disposal Area Landfill
506 13th Street, 1 mi S of town
Holdrege, NE 68949
Holland Landfill / Suffolk
4801 Nansemond Pkwy
Suffolk, VA 23435
Hollis Transfer Station
10 Rocky Pond Road
Hollis, NH 03049
Holly Hill Resource Recovery Facility
Holly Hill Rd
Greenwich, CT 06830
Holtville Disposal Site Landfill
2678 Whitlock Road, 8 mi NE of Holtville
Holtville, CA 92250
Holyoke-Granby Landfill
11 New Ludlow Road
Granby, MA 01033
Homer Balefill Landfill
42336 Sterling Hwy, Mile 169.3 Sterling Hwy, N of Homer
Homer, AK 99603
Homewood Canyon Transfer Station
1 mi W of Trona Wildrose Road, 3 mi N of Trona
Death Valley, CA 92328
Homewood Disposal Park Forest Transfer Station
20 South Street
Park Forest, IL 60466
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