Tires (Auto) Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Tires (Auto) Disposal Locations
Lusk Landfill
28 Rd. N, PO Box 390
Lusk, WY 82225
Lycoming County Landfill
447 Alexander Drive, 10 mi S Williamsport Rte 15 Montgomery
Montgomery, PA 17701
Lycoming County Williamsport Transfer Station
1475 West Third Street
Williamsport, PA 17701
Lyon County Sanitary Landfill
2520 200th Ave, County Road 59 & 200th Ave
Lynd, MN 56157
Lytle Boulevard Landfill
5.5 mi SE on Lytle Boulevard
Vale, OR 97918
Macon County Franklin Landfill
1448 Lakeside Drive
Franklin, NC 28734
Macon County Transfer Station
1319 Heady Ridge Road
Red Boiling Springs, TN 37150
Madeline Transfer Station
1.25 mi E Of Hwy 395 At Madeline
Madeline, CA 96119
Madison Avenue Transfer Station
1128 West 66th Street
Anderson, IN 46011
Madison County District 1 Landfill
411 Beth Road
New Market, AL 35761
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