Recyclables Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Recyclables Disposal Locations
Dyersburg Landfill
2250 Sorrell Chapel Rd, 4m S of Dyersburg
Dyersburg, TN 38024
Eagle County Recycled Material Recovery Facility (Materials RecoveryF)
605 Ute Creek Road, Hwy 131 2-3 mi N of Wolcott
Wolcott, CO 81655
Eagle Nest Transfer Station / Sanco Inc
One mi N. Of Eagle Nest, Hwy 3
Eagle Nest, NM 87718
Eagle Services Materials RecoveryF / Washington DC
6130 North Capitol Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Eagle Valley Landfill
600 West Silver Bell Road
Lake Orion, MI 48359
Earth Wise Transfer Station (Waitsfield)
6911 Main Street
Waitsfield, VT 05673
East Central Recycling
701 East Centennial Avenue
Muncie, IN 47303
East Greenwich Transfer Station
Compton Avenue, betw Boat Ramp & Sewage Treatment Plant
East Greenwich, RI 02818
East Haddam Transfer Station & Materials RecoveryF
Nichols Road (Rte 149)
East Haddam, CT 06423
East Hampton Transfer Station
Bear Swamp Road
East Hampton, CT 06424
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