Recyclables Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Recyclables Disposal Locations
Logan City Landfill
1800 West 200 North
Logan, UT 84321
Logan Transfer Station
Canadian River Association
Logan, NM 88426
Londonderry Transfer Station
Rte 100 North
South Londonderry, VT 05155
Lone Pine Landfill
Cemetary Road; East Of Town
Lone Pine, CA 93545
Lone Star Recycling & Disposal Facility
4107 South Sam Houston Parkway West
Houston, TX 77053
Long Island Transfer Station
Fern Avenue
Long Island, ME 04050
Long Lake Transfer Station
8180 Nys Route 28N
Long Lake, NY 12847
Longmeadow Recycling Center
Tina La (birnie Rd)/pondside
Longmeadow, MA 01106
Lookout Transfer Station
1601 Lookout Drive
Richardson, TX 75081
Loop Transfer Station & Recycling Facility
2351 South Laflin Street
Chicago, IL 60608
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