Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Sanders County Solid Waste Transfer Station
61 Vinson Mill Rd.
Trout Creek, MT 59874
Sanders Transfer Station
South of I-40 on US 191, behind Puerco Justice Court
Sanders, AZ 86512
Sandoval County Landfill and Composting Facility
5501 Idalia Road, 1 Mile W. of Hwy 528
Rio Rancho, NM 87124
Sandown Transfer Station
26 Depot Road
Sandown, NH 03873
Sandpoint Landfill
164 Landfill Rd., 11 mi E on Hobbs Hwy 62-180
Carlsbad, NM 88220
Sandwich Resource Recovery
295 Service Road
East Sandwich, MA 02537
Sandwich Transfer Station
500 Route 130
Sandwich, MA 02563
Sandy Run Landfill
995 Landfill Road, Township Road 549
Hopewell, PA 16650
Sandy Transfer Station
19600 Southeast Canyon Valley Road, (1.5 miles east of Sandy off Hwy 26)
Sandy, OR 97055
Sandy Valley Convenience Center
575 West Texas Avenue, T24S,R57E, Sec.27,SW
Sandy Valley, NV 89019
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