Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Sallisaw Solid Waste Disposal Facility
2 mi East off Hwy 64
Sallisaw, OK 74955
Salome Transfer Station
3.5 mi W on Hall Ave.
Salome, AZ 85348
Salt Creek Joint Powers Board Landfill
5 mi N of town off Highway 259, Midwest Town Hall
Midwest, WY 82643
Salt Lake City Transfer Station
675 South Gladiola Street
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Salt Lake Transfer Station
9599 Salt Lake Ave
South Gate, CA 90280
Salt Lake Valley Landfill
6030 West 1300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84104
Salt Lake Valley Transfer Station
506 West 3300 South
Salt Lake City, UT 84199
Salt River-Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Landfill
13602 East Beeline Hwy
Scottsdale, AZ 85256
Salton City Cut and Fill Site
935 W Highway 86, S of S22 and West of Hwy 86
Salton City, CA 92275
Salzburg Road Landfill
2314 West Salzburg
Midland, MI 48641
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