Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Rush County Landfill
8 mi S & 2 mi E of 96 & 183 Jct.
La Crosse, KS 67548
Russell County Landfill
North Hwy 281, PO Box 389
Russell, KS 67665
Russell County Transfer Station
323 Landfill Road
Russell Springs, KY 42642
Russell County Transfer Station
Rte 71
Lebanon, VA 24266
Russell Gulch-Globe Landfill
5891 E. Hope Lane, W US 60 on Russell Rd/1.6m to Landfill
Globe, AZ 85501
Russell Pass Landfill
18 miles south of Fallon, Nevada on Hwy 95
Fallon, NV 89406
Russell Transfer Station
River Street
Russell, MA 01071
Russellville Hauling Transfer Station
88 Joyce Lane
Russellville, AR 72811
Ruth Transfer Site
So Of Ruth Reservoir Adjacent State
Ruth, CA 95526
Rutherford County / Rutherfordton Landfill
656 Laurel Hill Drive
Rutherfordton, NC 28139
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