Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Pickles Butte Sanitary Landfill
15500 Missouri Ave & Perch Road, 14 mi S of town
Nampa, ID 83686
Pie Town Landfill
Serving the Pie Town Area
Pie Town, NM 87827
Piedmont Transfer Station
40 Estes Plant Road
Piedmont, SC 29673
Piercefield Transfer Station
NE of town
Piercefield, NY 12973
Pierre Landfill
2800 E. Park Street
Pierre, SD 57501
Pigeon Point Transfer Station (PPTransfer Station)
1101 Lambson Lane
New Castle, DE 19720
Pike Sanitation Landfill
11775 State Route 220 East
Waverly, OH 45690
Pikeville Transfer Station
Serving the Pikeville Area
Pikeville, KY 41501
Pilar Transfer Station
2981 State Road 68, 1/4 mi N of Plum Tree Cage
Pilar, NM 87571
Pinckney Transfer Station
RD 1, Box 118E
Copenhagen, NY 13626
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