Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Montauk Transfer Station
off Montauk Hwy just prior to hamlet
Montauk, NY 11954
Monterey Peninsula Landfill
14201 Del Monte Blvd, 2 mi N of Marina
Marina, CA 93933
Monterey Transfer Station
40 Gould Rd
Monterey, MA 01245
Montessa Park Convenience Center
3512 Los Picaros SE, Rio Bravo W to Bwy,S to Bobby Foster Rd
Albuquerque, NM 87101
Montezuma County Landfill
26100 County Road F
Cortez, CO 81321
Montgomery County Central Transfer Station
16101 Frederick Rd. (Rte 355), @ Shady Grove Rd
Derwood, MD 20855
Montgomery County Compost Facility
21210 Martinsburg Road
Dickerson, MD 20842
Montgomery County North Transfer Station
6589 North Webster Street
Dayton, OH 45414
Montgomery County Sanitary Landfill
1704 L Ave
Red Oak, IA 51566
Montgomery County Sanitary Landfill & Materials Recovery
30 Larison Road
Jeffersonville, KY 40337
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