Municipal Solid Waste Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Locations
Kennewick Transfer Station & Recycling Center
2627 South Ely
Kennewick, WA 99336
Keno Transfer Station
3.5 mi S on Keno/Worden Road
Keno, OR 97627
Kenosha Transfer Station
1001 50th St.
Kenosha, WI 53140
Kent Recycling Center
Route 52 and Horsepound Road
Carmel, NY 10512
Keokuk Transfer Station
111 Carbide Road
Keokuk, IA 52632
Kersey Valley Landfill
3940 Kivett Dr
Jamestown, NC 27282
Kestrel Hawk Park Landfill & Materials RecoveryF
1989 Oakes Road
Racine, WI 53406
Kettleman Hills Facility
35251 Old Skyline Blvd
Kettleman City, CA 93239
Kewaunee County Solid Waste Balefill
613 Dodge Street
Kewaunee, WI 54216
Key Center Transfer Station
5900 Key Peninsula North
Lakebay, WA 98349
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