Asphalt Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
Asphalt Disposal Locations
Landfill Management, Inc. Class II Rubbish
109 Landfill Road
Leland, MS 38756
Landfill of North Iowa
15942 Killdeer Avenue
Clear Lake, IA 50428
Landrum C&D Processing Facility
1316 W Troy Avenue
Indianapolis, IN 46225
Las Cruces Foothills Landfill
555 S Sonoma Ranch Blvd.
Las Cruces, NM 88011
Latah County Solid Waste Processing Facility
3299 Highway 8, 5 mi E of Moscow
Moscow, ID 83843
Latah County Solid Waste Processing Facility
3299 Highway 8, (5 miles East of Moscow)
Moscow, ID 83843
Laurel Ridge Landfill
3612 E HWY 552
Lily, KS 40740
Laurens County Landfill
1645 Old Hawkinsville & Old Macon Rd.
Dublin, GA 31021
LCS Services Landfill
Allensville Road
Hedgesville, WV 25427
Lee Transfer Station
11 Recycling Center Road
Lee, NH 03861
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