TSDF Locations in North Dakota
Looking for a treatment, storage, and disposal facility? These locations are exactly what you need.
TSDF Locations in North Dakota
Milnor Inert Landfill
1/4 mi s on 4th Avenue
Milnor, ND 58060
Minot Landfill
1.5 mi SW of town on 20th Avenue SW
Minot, ND 58701
Rugby Sanitation Landfill
Hwy 3
Rugby, ND 58368
Stanley Inert Landfill & Transfer Station
Serving the Stanley Area
Stanley, ND 58784
Valley City Landfill
35th Street SE
Valley City, ND 58072
Valley Landfill Association Inc Demolition Landfill & Transfer Station
8 mi E of Hamilton
Drayton, ND 58225
Vern's Refuse Service Demolition Landfill & Transfer Station
Highway 2 West
Grand Forks, ND 58208
Williston Landfill
5176 134th Avenue NW
Williston, ND 58801
WMI / Bismarck Demolition Landfill & Transfer Station
Serving the Washburn Area
Washburn, ND 58577
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