TSDF Locations in Tennessee
Looking for a treatment, storage, and disposal facility? These locations are exactly what you need.
TSDF Locations in Tennessee
Northside / Middle Point Landfill
750 East Jefferson Pike, NE Fork Stones River, 6M N Murfreesboro
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Northwest Tennessee Disposal Company Landfill
518 Beech Chapel Road, 7 mi North Troy, on North-Beach Rd
Union City, TN 38261
Paris Henry County Landfill
1140 Jones Bend Road
Paris, TN 38242
Paris Landfill Station
1140 Jones Bend Rd
Paris, TN 38242
Pickett County Landfill
3065 Gib Moles Road
Byrdstown, TN 38549
Poplar View Landfill Service
7826 Rutledge Pike, E Knox County
Knoxville, TN 37924
Pulaski City Landfill
264 Maxwell Hill Road
Pulaski, TN 38478
Putnam County Landfill
11089 Cookeville Boat Dock Rd
Cookeville, TN 38501
Rhea County Landfill
207 Sanitary Drive
Dayton, TN 37321
Roane County Landfill
219 White Pine Road
Harriman, TN 37748
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