All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills Waste Services

NAICS Code 314999

Discover All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills waste handlers (NAICS Code 314999) as reported to the United States EPA. Whether they are generators, transporters, transfer facilities, recyclers or TSDF locations, click on each listing below for details and contact information.

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This U.S. industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in manufacturing textile products (except carpets and rugs; curtains and linens; textile bags and canvas products; rope, cordage, and twine; and tire cords and tire fabrics) from purchased materials. These establishments may further embellish the textile products they manufacture with decorative stitching. Establishments primarily engaged in adding decorative stitching such as embroidery or other art needlework on textile products, including apparel, on a contract or fee basis for the trade, are included in this industry.

Illustrative Examples:

Batts and batting (except nonwoven fabrics) manufacturing
Embroidering on textile products or apparel for the trade
Fishing nets made from purchased materials
Carpet cutting and binding
Sleeping bags manufacturing
Diapers (except disposable) made from purchased materials
Textile fire hoses made from purchased materials
Dust cloths made from purchased fabric
Weatherstripping made from purchased textiles

NAICS Code 314999–All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills parent categories:

  1. 31–Manufacturing
  2. 314–Textile Product Mills
  3. 3149–Other Textile Product Mills
  4. 31499–All Other Textile Product Mills

Handlers of All Other Miscellaneous Textile Product Mills Waste

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