Red Bay Landfill

City of Red Bay

Old Vina Road, Red Bay, AL 35582 • (256) 356-4473

Scroll down for Hours of Operation

Red Bay Landfill is located at Old Vina Road, Red Bay, AL 35582.

To contact Red Bay Landfill, call (256) 356-4473, or view more information below. Looking for more locations in Red Bay? Scroll down to see a listing of waste locations and handlers towards the bottom of this page.

Acceptable Waste

Contact Details

Street Address

Old Vina Road
Red Bay, AL 35582
United States

Phone & Fax

P: (256) 356-4473
F: (205) 356-3105

Waste Resources for Red Bay, AL

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this the official Red Bay Landfill website?

This page and website is a part of the Wastebits Locator, providing a comprehensive resource of contact information for waste handlers. It is not the official website of Red Bay Landfill.

Are you affiliated with Red Bay Landfill? Is there information that we can update to keep things accurate? Use this form to request an edit to this page.

What is the purpose of a landfill?

The purpose of a landfill is to provide an effective way to dispose of waste material. Landfills are designed and operated under environmental regulations, providing a safe and efficient way to dispose of solid waste materials.

When properly managed, landfills can protect communities from potential contamination and help preserve scarce resources by reducing emissions and protecting surface and groundwater resources.

How do landfills work?

Landfills are typically constructed in layers, with each layer consisting of a protective liner and waste materials. The top layer consists of soil or non-degradable materials such as plastic to ensure that the contents remain contained within the landfill.

As additional waste is added to the landfill, it is compacted into a dense form and covered with soil or non-degradable cover material. This helps to minimize the release of odors and prevent the entry of pests into the landfill site. Additionally, leachate collection systems are installed to capture liquids that the decomposing waste materials may generate.

This liquid is then treated before being released back into the environment. Landfill gas-to-energy systems are also installed in some landfills to capture and convert the methane gas from decomposing waste into electricity.

As landfills reach capacity, they are typically closed off and monitored for environmental compliance before being rehabilitated or covered with soil. By taking these steps, communities can ensure that their landfills are effectively managed and do not threaten the environment.

What happens to the waste in a landfill?

The waste materials deposited into landfills undergo a process of decomposition over time. This process is known as biodegradation, which occurs as bacteria and other microorganisms break down the materials in the landfill.

As the materials decompose, they are converted into nutrient-rich soil that can be used for landscaping or landfill rehabilitation. Additionally, landfill gas-to-energy systems capture methane gas generated through this process and convert it into renewable energy.

By taking these steps, landfill operators can help ensure that landfill contents are managed responsibly and do not threaten the environment.

What kind of safety measures are taken at landfill sites?

Landfill sites are designed with special safety measures to protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste. These measures include landfill liners and leachate collection systems to prevent landfill waste from contaminating nearby soil and water.

Additionally, landfill gas-to-energy systems are typically installed in some landfills to capture and convert the methane gas from decomposing waste into electricity. Finally, landfill sites may also employ safety systems such as odor control, landfill compaction equipment, landfill covers, and landfill monitoring systems to ensure that landfill sites are managed responsibly.

By taking these steps, landfill operators can help protect the environment and nearby communities from potential health risks associated with landfill waste.