White Goods & Bulky Wastes Disposal
Waste Services, Handlers, & Landfills
White Goods & Bulky Wastes Disposal Locations
Sallisaw Solid Waste Disposal Facility
2 mi East off Hwy 64
Sallisaw, OK 74955
City of Durant Landfill
South 9th and Hilltop Pond
Durant, OK 74701
Sims Brothers Marion Facility
1011 S Prospect Street
Marion, OH 43302
Morse Road Transfer Station
4262 Morse Road
Columbus, OH 43230
Medina County Central Processing Facility
8700 Lake Road
Seville, OH 44273
London Transfer Station
233 Jenkinson Drive
London, OH 43140
Jackson Pike Transfer Station
2566 Jackson Pike
Columbus, OH 43223
Delaware County Transfer Station
888 U.S. Route 42 North
Delaware, OH 43015
SWACO Franklin County Sanitary Landfill
3851 London-Groveport Rd (SR 665), W of I71
Grove City, OH 43123
Lake County Solid Waste Landfill
2039 Blase Nemeth Road
Painesville, OH 44077
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